
What's the Matter with May and B?

I don't know how May related to B (blogging) for me. But here are some facts:
May 21, 2005: 1st posting to my Friendster's blog.
May 21, 2007: 9th (or last? I hope not) posting to my Friendster's blog. (Hm..., 4.5 posts/year? The same date when I posted the 1st?)
May 2, 2008: 1st posting (huahahaha..., finally) to my Multiply's blog (but then, sadly, pauses).
May 3, 2008: created my (1st) Blogger's blog (i.e. this one) and 1st posting to it.
May 5, 2008: my blog on Blogs Unpad approved/activated.
Is it the month for blogging jin (anybody know the word for 'jin'?) interfere/intervene me? May be. So, it's look like, for me, there is a "May B". May be.


  1. may B just need some little thing yang disebut konsistensi..
    entahlah, bukan kapasitas anonimuZ seperti saya untuk bicara soal ini ..

  2. Hmmm... "yang disebut konsistensi" may be a little thing for you, but not, I guess, for A. Manaf.

    LAGIAN (ups... keploks kepencet), mnurut saya, "yang disebut konsistensi" tu ga cuma perlu bwt May B, tapi juga bwt June B, July B, .... Pokoknya bwt all-months B :)
